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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Incomplete Modernized World and Insecurity for Americans:

Review on Different Representation of Societies in Babel Film (2006)

Three years after popular 21 Gram, the new production of Alejandro González Iñárritu , Babel (2006), came to the world maybe more popularity! This time we heard that this film is Islamic phobic and representation of uncivilized violence in East. After seeing the film I found that some of the comments about it are not so true, this film is world phobic if we mind America in the separate side. Putting four stories together from four countries makes a global sphere in Babel that accounts the insecure world for Americans.

Because of a gun shot
The narrative of this film suburb on a gun shot to an American tour bus which goes to visit Morocco, and fallows by showing a part of Japanese school girl whose father gave the gun to a Moroccan family, during the film also an American family who deals with the gun shot and a Mexican family that one of them is watcher of American children (kids of the couple who travels to Morocco), are represented.

In Shadow of Modernity
I think modernity and the process of its entrance to world’s countries is main point for contributing Babel. The face of Modernity in one hand and the consequences of Modernity in the other hand are bold representation of feeling security in the Babel’s created world.

In Babel’s world, Morocco is not modern society, the structure of community is primitive, the families live in deserts or houses are plastered with cob, is not rational separation among family life, sexual life and entertainments. Japan but is modern society, with tall buildings, big highways, luxury clubs, developed digital systems like screen saver phone and finally great welfare for citizens. Mexico has different representation, keeping traditional costumes in parallel of trying to join modernity, is represented clearly in the wedding party of the watcher’s son. And finally America, the poor Americans who are worry about their security at the first moments of their representation. The face of modernity is complete in the American representation, for example encourages using of pure water in travel or supporting the security of citizens with checking the cars at night and requesting the parent’s permission for bringing the children to Mexico.

It could be said that the representation of modernity just in American version has deeply layers but in Japan we see it apparently! Modernity in Japan with Babel’s views has wonderful manifestation, so wonderful that even we didn’t see it in representation of America, but this context has another mean, the process of modernization is not completed in Japan! I mean the philosophy of circulation of modernity in the world is criticized by Babel. How does Modernity publish in the world? What does the elements of modernity? Who are publishing elements of modernity? Who are using the elements? And what are the consequences of this process? There are main questions of this narrative. The questions which just are asked but in half answered and even some of them leave unanswered.

America as Exceptional Society
In the face of modernity we see that Americans receive to a stage that make suitable and supported situation for themselves in their country, such a stage that they want to aware of their outside. But the entire world is shown in Babel unsecured, because of the incomplete circulation of modernity! Supplying the gun for a Morocco family by a Japan man, injuring American woman in Morocco or wandering American children in frontier’s dry deserts between Mexico and USA, the problem of sexual relationship for Moroccan boy and Japans girl and inability to solve this human instinct (in both society, civilized or uncivilized), and finally representing the role of Police in all of the societies are not accidental events, they are meaningful. The clear message is this: although Americans join to modernity themselves without problem (as in film we don’t see any problems in American society in this way), but it is not meaning that they don’t have any challenge with entire incomplete modernized world!

So it could be said that Babel represents the American society in exceptional side of the other three societies, the society which fell insecurity and rights in it. Babel in the other words notifies the potential dangerous for continuing this circulation of modernity in the world, warning for world’s people and of course for Americans.

Incomplete Representation of Societies, Regardless about Audience
Babel although is successful in representing some problems of global modernity in the world but its representatives are so spiteful, especially in Morocco that is contributed as an Islamic society. Also Babel has total timid and worried character for introducing Americans that is not true, even the Americans who are in the tour bus as representatives of American society are white and speak English but this is not true representation of American multicultural society!

Babel although wins to draw audience’s attention to different life style in four countries and connecting them approximately, but it doesn’t have acceptable answer for them; leaving Japans girl satisfied with his father talks, killing the boys and their father in Morocco and putting the Mexican woman out of job and finally the project of surviving the American family, are defrauding ends that not only confuse audience but also insults their intelligence perception.

In fact I think Babel with all of the attempts to not titling American role could do it under the layers of the narrative, and creates a big question:
What could be done for Americans in this insecure world?


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