blue style

Sunday, October 29, 2006

seven nice days

I believe that history influences on most of the people during the time.
We are learning about American and Canadian histories, their ethnics and culture, but I think relation with persons who belong to these cultures is very important for understanding this course.
Invitation of two professors of two different culture(America and Canada)was very innovative movement .I hope this nice happen practice several time, although I know our Institute spend a lot of time and money for this invitation.

Laughing Eyes
With his nice laugh and laughing eyes entered to our class. He had big body and his blond face supposed German race, although we found later he was born in Canada (Ottawa) and has been taught in Birmingham University (England). At first he had a surprise for us! He brought pencils with Birmingham sign. After that he started his lesson. It seems he didn`t worry about our English language and taught as fast as persian language professors. So I think he had trusted us about language before tasting, during teaching. After teaching he asked wonderfully:" Any question?" our silence hadn`t any meaning for him just not participation.
Dr.Stive Tewitt had flexible style in teaching, he used power point with many beautiful colors, photos, cartoons and clear table. Although he tried to brake lifeless atmosphere of class, for example he laughed to some subject for exciting our interests.

Luxuriate Smile
with luxuriate smile entered to class, tall and handsome man saw us curiously, it seemed he wanted to know us with all of his background and observation about Iran! At first he taste our English language(he asked us to introduce ourselves). For teaching he spoke distinctly and deliberately, maybe he was worried about our understanding and he explained most of the concepts ten minutes or more. When we didn’t have any question or comments, he didn`t get surprise and when we asked him, he encouraged with this sentences: "it is a good question, good view etc. Dr. David Slocum, the professor of New York University, completed his teaching with showing a movie about colonies life in 1939.He also emphasized on reading his lesson before class.

Seven Nice Days
we learn a lot of things in these seven days! Wich program could ready us so soon with this quality? Although we didn’t have any experience like this before, but we could use of these seven days well, I think this happen had variety benefits for us:
1- learning in professors`s classes who belonged to countries that we studied those.
2- studying in foreign classes without going to foreign countries.
3- comparing those classes with Iranian professors`s classes with our classes
(we found that these classes haven`t had much difference to each other)

Same and different behavior
There are some behaviors which are common between Canadian and American professors:
1- they went to class with perfect self-confidence, this class was strange and new for them but they started their work without any problem!
2- they used of picture communication in their presentations.
So it seems these action are rooted in their culture! they also had ethics that are common between all of responsible and educated professors in the world:
1- they were very kind and pay attention to all of the students, boys and girls.
2- they would have started new sobject just when they had sure that we were understood.
3- they communicated with us with body languages for extended our understanding.

On the whole, it could be say that they were responcible about student`s understanding.

Diferent culture, Diferent Reaction
Michel Moor in “Booling for Colombine” considered about safe feeling in Canada in contrast of America. At the end of his investigation he found that mass opinion in America is so frightened that the people think about the Enemy or huge danger threaten them! So most of the people in USA don’t feel immune! Maybe we could attributed this supposition with these two professors`s behaviore. I think Dr. hewitt communicated in teaching easier than Dr.Slocum, maybe for his safe feeling! I think Dr.Slocum needed more time for knowing us.
I have to remember two another points: first, America and Iran have had many challenge during last century. So it is not so far from reality that we think about these phalanges and their influentions on both people`s behaviores and belifts. Second, I know that Dr.Hewitt met some of our students four months ago, maybe this happen influenced on his attitudes about us .

We wished this course lounged more!
Thanks to our Professors in American studies institute .we wish we could answer to their nice actions.


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